New Harbourmaster at Island Harbour Isle of Wight
It’s often said that ‘you can’t keep a good man down’ well this one we simply can’t, Frank Gelder who founded Boatshed Cowes in 2007 and pushed it to one of the top performing Boatshed Offices within the group within 3 years is back !
Frank handed over the reigns of his Yacht Brokerage business, Boatshed Cowes in 2010 supposedly so Frank could take his retirement seriously and sail more.................... well that was the plan !
Frank has now been recruited and is now the new Harbourmaster at Island Harbour IOW, this Marina is one of the best kept secrets on the island, a private Marina that sadly over the years has gone through a number of owners and suffered accordingly..... However never let it be said, people have ‘Talked to Frank’ and the Marina is going through a huge refurbishement and transformation.
The staffing have now increased with new office and maintenance staff, pontoons have been steam cleaned and repaired, all the piles have been painted and capped etc and the whole Marina is busy with a sense of anticipation that at last Island harbour has turned a corner and has a harbourmaster at the helm who can steer the Marina back onto the course of success.
However and lets be ‘Frank’ about this, well he asked for that one ! Frank wasn’t satisfied with just cleaning the Marina up.... oh no ! the prices have now come down to £275.00 per metre per year + vat which makes it the most competitive marina on the Medina, free WI-FI is also included along with that cheery smile from Frank. Also now offer up to 3 months free hard standing with every annual berth holder
Island Harbour Marina has over 215 berths, a 50 ton travel hoist, a fully licensed Bar & Restaurant, a chandlery and Richardsons Boat repair/maintenance specialist, if you haven’t visited the Isle Of Wights best kept secret visit ] www.island-harbour.co.uk and ‘Talk to Frank’
Boatshed has teamed up with Frank at Island harbour and it now boasts of being part of Boatsheds partner business, so not only do you get to visit a beautiful and tranquil Marina, but you also get to meet one of the most infamous ex Boatshed Brokers around...... how can you say no to that?
Talk to Frank
Website link
Tel: 01983 539 994
Email: info@island-harbour.co.uk